Super useful post on how to preserve your wedding dress by BrideBox.

BrideBox Wedding Albums Blog

Getting married can be a very rewarding experience for a bride and groom. While a wedding can be lots of fun for a couple and their family, it can be difficult to manage some of the details associated with a wedding ceremony. The following guide provides simple tips and tricks on how to preserve a wedding dress after getting married.

Most wedding dresses manufactured in the United States are made out of a combination of cotton or bleached wool. However, most dresses also contain some elements that are made of polyester or other synthetic materials. In most cases, these types of materials are extremely durable. However, certain types of activities and storage conditions can expose them to an increased risk of mold and mildew growth.
Wedding Dress

It’s important to have a wedding dress dry cleaned immediately after a wedding. When an individual wears a wedding dress, acidic oils from the skin…

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